Kulmiye Development Organization

About Us

Background and introduction

Kulmiye Development organization seeks to end all forms of poverty by going into the hard places and closely walking with the most vulnerable communities. We have been serving through purposeful relief and development for over four decades. We believe in the fight against poverty, which is why we serve the most vulnerable communities in Somalia. 

We’re moved and inspired by our values and belief that every person has intrinsic value and that it’s our responsibility to advocate for the poor and marginalized without regard to race, creed, or gender and without adverse distinction of any kind. 

We serve without stipulation or expectation and on the basis of need alone. 

We strive to respect the culture and customs of the people we serve in order to preserve their humanity and dignity.

KDO Vision

 To work for deprived people for their up lifting and betterment with special emphasis on children and women and to provide them with livelihood opportunities and bring them into the mainstream of society.

KDO Mission

A strong Somali society with its communities fully participating in all decision making process, able to face all the challenges of social and economic problems and determining their future.

KDO Objectives

Our capabilities towards achieving our Vision

Provision of life-changing resources such as clean water, food, equal educational opportunities to girls and boys, vocational training, and empowerment in the midst of unimaginable hardships. Our view of poverty is holistic and complex. We honor the people we serve by inviting them to contribute to the process. 

We are grateful to be invited into the communities we serve and work side-by-side with local leaders, religious leaders responding to their needs with transformative solutions, which are both sustainable and implemented at the hands of the communities themselves.

We’re proud of the communities we enter, but more than that, we’re proud of the ones we exit. Kulmiye Development organization goes in with an exit strategy and seeks to graduate communities from extreme poverty within a projected timeframe. These are the communities where extreme poverty no longer has a seat at the table.

Our Staff

We have over 20 staffs and volunteers who are specifically trained in agriculture, health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. 

We also are privileged to partner with WFP and other donors who help us accomplish our work, including individuals, foundations, corporations, other institutions and governments.


Kulmiye Development organization monitors the wellbeing of HH in the communities where we work. We know thriving HH are a barometer for a community’s success and wellbeing. 

We strive for thriving HH through a variety of programs, focusing on agriculture, health, clean water, education, hunger, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response

Measuring our impact in the communities we serve.

Kulmiye Development organization aims to graduate all communities we are working in from extreme poverty to self-sustainability. KDO is committed to thorough monitoring and evaluation for all of its programming–both visible, physical dimensions of poverty, as well as “invisible” dimensions of poverty. We start by measuring baseline statistics of vulnerability across different program sectors. 

Thresholds and measurable rates of hope (or lack thereof) are also taken into consideration at the onset of beginning work in a given community. Then periodic evaluations are conducted to ensure impact. 

Finally, after KDO has walked with a community for a given time, and agreed-upon rates of measurable health, well-being and sustainability have been adequately and consistently met, KDO phases out its activities in order for the community to operate self-sufficiently.

Good Accounting

KDO holds money, assets and merchandise entrusted to us by our partners and for their intended beneficiaries, with responsibility to adhere to financial accountability procedures to ensure value for our development partners and to project participants.

Environment and natural resources geared to combating climate change

Along with social equity issues; KDO acknowledges the importance of the physical environment in our work and the need to ensure that our development efforts are consistent with conserving natural resources and sustainable environmental management.


KDO acknowledges that Women, girls, boys and men have immediate, “practical” survival needs particularly in humanitarian crises. 

They also have longer-term “strategic” needs linked to changing the circumstances of their lives and realizing their human rights. 

Practical needs of women may include needs associated with their roles as caretakers, needs for food, shelter, water and safety. 

Strategic needs, however, are needs for more control over their lives, needs for property rights, for political participation to help shape public decisions and for a safe space for women outside the household, for example women’s shelters offering protection from domestic violence. 

Strategic needs concern their relative position in relation to each other; in effect strategic needs are about resolving gender-based inequalities.